Yesterday I had the opportunity to take a class from Bobbi Finley. She spoke at our guild and presented a workshop on Tile Quilts. She shared a lot of history regarding the technique and photos of quilts from the late 1800's and early 1900's. She then showed her modern versions.
She teaches needle turn applique. I did mine on the machine since hand applique and I do not get along. I finished my first block. Now to decide . . . . make a pillow and call it done? or make additional blocks and make a quilt? More decisions!
The black and white fabrics are appliqued
to the red background fabric. |
After guild today I went shopping at Macy's. SHOES!!! (mainly short boots) Of course this was after I purchased fabric from the guild ways and means committee. I have got to do something with all the strip sets on my shelf. They're multiplying like rabbits.
Thanks for looking.