I'm back after 2 1/2 months. Where does the time go?
I started a tradition of gifting tree skirts to nephews and nieces when they marry. This year I had two weddings - May and November. I'm proud to say I have both skirts finished! I wanted to give them at Thanksgiving so they could be used this year.
This is the third time I've used this pattern. Diamond Log Cabin blocks.
6 vertical, 6 horizontal. Different fabric combinations make it look different. |
I tried a different version of a feather. Curls. |
The bride requested black, gold, and cream as her colors. |
I first saw this design on Pinterest. I was trying to figure out the piecing
process when I found out it's in one of the French Braid books by Jane Hardy Miller. |
I originally purchased the Christmas boot fabric as a possible backing.
I'm glad I was able to use it on the front of the skirt.
FYI: The bride and attendants wore boots for the ceremony.
I thought this was perfect for them |
I used the same curly feather in one round, a holly leaf in one,
and generic fills in the rest. |
I've been working on other projects. One I can't show here until after December 8. It's an opportunity quilt for one of my guilds and they are not having the reveal until then.
I'm working on a T-shirt quilt for a friend. I said I would make it after I retired - 5+ years ago! I finally got started when I realized I could get rid of two boxes from the studio if I just got it done.
Today I embroidered three labels: Two for the tree skirts and the other for a friend. I need to keep practicing the process until it becomes natural.
Thanks for checking in.