Sunday, November 1, 2020

October projects & finishes

It's time for the October update for the Material Girls WIP Challenge.  This has been a great challenge for this year. It has kept me working on older projects and yet allowed for new ones to come in.

Earlier I posted about Midnight Hibiscus and Allietare! Rejoice! being completed.  Since then I worked on Halloween projects.

I purchased the Kimberbelle Twilight Boo-levard machine embroidery bench pillow kit.  The pillow is not complete, but I did finish all the machine embroidery.  That in itself was a big deal!

Purely Gates came out with a new Mylar Halloween design package.  I couldn't resist.  I wanted to purchase and download it the first day, but I held off for one day!  I combined two designs to make a Halloween couple.  Since my niece got married Oct. 9, I decided they were the new Halloween couple, so they get a pillow.  She's not big into Halloween right now, but I really think that will change when they have children.  They have their first Halloween decoration!  I actually stitched up two pieces - one for me!

Purely Gates Mylar Halloween
Covid #20

I try and send my great nieces and nephews something on holidays.  This year I modified a ghost shape, digitized it, and created hangers.  Ooops!  I mailed them without taking a photo of the finished projects.  Had to make 17 this year.  (Covid #21)

I purchased a Dowdle puzzle of Sequoia National Park at Costco, then stayed up late MANY nights to get it finished.  I decided this would be a great gift to send to my AFS family in Australia.  They were supposed to visit in September, but no surprise, the trip didn't happen.  I looked on line to see about purchasing and shipping it directly to them.  $25 for the puzzle and $18 to ship it to Australia.  Second idea.  I owe Lucy a quilt (she'll be 6 next week).  Sooo . . . .  I'll get her quilt made and include a puzzle when I mail it to her.  Shipping will still be expensive, but I'll ship everything at once and it will be less than shipping several smaller packages.  I went searching through my tub of ready-to-quilt tops and found one that will be perfect for her.  It's now under the needle.  I should be able to finish it soon and they might get a package before Christmas!  That also means I need to make their ornaments NOW instead of waiting for Dec.

Almost forgot - I finished the top for Enchanted Garden.  It's ready to baste and quilt.

Enchanted Garden
Top complete.  60 x 75 inches.

It's been a strange year for everyone.  But I think I've made lemonade out of the situation and have managed to get a lot of projects completed.

Thanks for checking in.
Be thankful.