Monday, November 26, 2018

Good Fortune! Bonnie Hunter Mystery 2018 Clue 1

We're off!!

Bonnie Hunter started her 2018 mystery this weekend.  Each Friday we get a clue with the top usually finishing New Year's Day.  She gives us her color choices, but we are encouraged to mix them up as well.  I found I have been successful when I use a fabric I like to pick colors.  I seldom use that fabric in construction, but use it in the backing.

My fabrics are below.  The paint chips are her choices.  Most of these came from my stash (yea!) but surprisingly I needed to pick up a few reds to fill in.  I was amazed at how low my red stash had gotten.  

I changed her blue to violet and my
background will be brown rather than lights.

The first photo actually shows the colors better than this one.

This week, we needed to make four patch units.  I spent most of the weekend quilting a quilt I need for next weekend, but I did manage to get some of the units completed Sunday.

Thanks for checking in.  Come back next week to see the second clue.


  1. Can't wait to see your progress with this!

    1. Thanks. I look forward to the mysteries. This is number 5 for me.

  2. So you are using brown as your neutral? I always like to see other colours and how they work.

    1. Yes, brown is my neutral. I did this once before and really liked the outcome. I'm excited to see how this one turns out.

  3. Looking good! I will enjoy seeing how your colour scheme comes together.

    1. I enjoy seeing how color choices make the quilts look so different.

  4. That brown is very interesting. I will be curious to see the end result!


Thanks for sharing.