Sunday, December 27, 2020

Ornaments and Bonnie Hunter Grassy Creek Mystery

I'll go back and fill in what happened during the past two months, but this post is about my annual Christmas ornaments and the Bonnie Hunter mystery:  Grassy Creek.

In late October I decided to mail a package to Australia and decided I might as well get EVERYTHING together.  Sooooo . . . I started my ornaments in early November.  What a concept.  I do them every year, but somehow usually put them off until mid-December, finishing December 23 or 24.

Since I decided to not travel around Christmas, I finished the ornaments and mailed them Friday, December 18.  They all arrived before Christmas.  Yea!

They are little bags.
I originally meant to include candy canes, but
when I decided to mail the ornaments I left them
out thinking they would be crushed.

Bonnie Hunter ( ) once again is hosting her annual mystery that starts the Friday after Thanksgiving. Last year we were unable to "link" our progress on her blog and I really missed doing so.  I offered to host a Zoom get together with anyone in my quilt guild wanting to work on the weekly clues. It helps that I have someone to share progress and see what they are doing.  I finished clue one immediately, but put aside the others in order to finish the ornaments as well as a Christmas quilt for my SIL.  I'm happy to say, that as of today "I am all caught up!".

Clue 1

Clue 2

Clues 3 & 4

Clue 5

Right now I'm not happy with my fabric choices, but I'm hoping as we add more grey it will all come together.  

Thanks for checking in.

Hope your holidays were/are safe.