Sunday, September 24, 2017

Two finishes and two ready to quilt

A friend came to visit and we spent three days sewing.  I got a lot done!

This is for my newest great-nephew born January 1 2017.  I actually have it quilted and bound. I hadn't even decided on the pattern, but Anna had good suggestions.   The size was determined by the amount of border fabric I had purchased.  I just did the math!!  This gets a stack of fabric off the table and the left overs put away.

50 x 50 inches
We had both purchased a kit for this pin cushion and decided to work on them together.  I had to use a BIG button to cover up the hole where all the pieced came together.  This qualifies as a UFO for my guild since I bought the kit 1 1/2 years ago.  And . . . . I got a small box out of the studio.  Now I have a pretty cushion instead of a clear box.

I started the truck in a collage class, however I like the truck so well I didn't want to cover it with flowers.  (Laura Heine pattern)  I have the backing ready, so I just need to layer and quilt.  Not sure what I'll do, but I will add some threads to the grass and leaves.

Not sure what I'll do with the quilt.  We have a 51 (red) Chevy truck in the family.  It's been around for a really long time.  Every family member that sees the quilt wants it so maybe I'll work out a custody schedule.  I'm hoping to find ownership records.  My grandfather purchased it sometime in the late 50's or early 60's.  I'm just not sure how to do that.
44 x 44 inches

The challenge for one of my guilds is to use all solids in a quilt related item.  I kept putting it off because I couldn't come up with an idea.  While cleaning out old projects I came across a class project that I knew I would never finish.  All solid fabrics - what would happen if I cut it up??  The foundation quilting is done, now for the fun part.  This gets a large basket off the floor and all the solids are now back in my stash.
34 x 35 inches
As you can see it was a very productive week.  I'm happy to finish (well, almost - I do have two fully complete) all of these items.  I'm continuing on with "finish it and get it out of the studio".

Thanks for checking in.

Monday, September 11, 2017

TQS Block of the Month and two finishes

I'm back.

Friends and I are participating in the Block of the Month program through "The Quilt Show".  I got REALLY far behind, but have spent the past few weeks playing catch up.  Last Friday I finished up through September!  What a relief.

Finished size is 87 x 87.  I want to figure out an additional border to make it at least 90 x 90.
That's a better size for my bed.  The last border is Delectable Mountains, which is quite large.
I'm thinking I need to add the extra border now and end with DM.  Another half-square triangle??

Even though I haven't posted, I've been busy at my machine.  Following are some of the projects I've completed.

My sister requested a tree skirt with a snowman theme.  This was a pre-fused
kit from Shabby Fabrics - but it was a table runner.  I pushed out the edges
to make it round.  That proved to be much more difficult than I anticipated.
I spent three days just moving stuff around.  Of course, I added lots of crystals.
I stitched around every one of those tiny (!) pieces.
I'm excited that I finished this before Christmas.
This is my finished product from Gwen Marston's class last summer.
Everyone kept saying "just quilt lines"  but I couldn't get started.  I
was truly blocked.  I finally quilted the Baptist Fan design, but used
rulers with my domestic machine.  I've been collecting the rulers -
now I need to use them.  Good practice.

Six friends and I went to the outdoor quilt show in Sisters, Oregon, this past July.  I was downtown very early to watch them hang the show.  The firemen drew quite a crowd.  They only hung quilts on this one wall, but there were over 1400 quilts throughout the town for that one day.  

My hiatus in blogging started when I lost my camera (April?).  It's in the house somewhere, but it hasn't turned up.  I held off for several months, not wanting to buy another camera.  I finally borrowed one from a sister.  I'm still waiting for that camera to jump out of a container somewhere.

Thanks for checking in.