Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Graduation Quilt

The next generation is starting to graduate from high school.  That means another round of graduation quilts is starting.  They start coming fast after this.

Melody wanted pale pink and green and although the first fabric purchase started that way, the direction turned as I was putting fabrics together with a pattern I wanted to try.  When I finished, the original fabric did not work as a border so I used it as the backing!  I had enough left over to make a pillow case to go along with the quilt.  Started June 26, finished July 7.  Not bad considering I was still recovering from the quilt show!

She doesn't know it's coming.  I hope she likes it.  I tell my nieces and nephews these are quilts to be used.  DO NOT put them on a shelf and save them.  They are washable!!  If something happens to it, I'll make you another.  I started this because I remember my grandmother making afghans for all of us.  I still have mine . .  and it's very special!

I got the idea for the block from Missouri Star Block magazine,
but I used my own method for construction.
57 x 74 inches

This is the original fabric purchased.  Compare it to the front!

I even got a pillow case.

Thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

  1. That turned out super cute-I'm sure she will love it. Nice extra with the pillow case too.


Thanks for sharing.