Thursday, January 20, 2022

Happy New Year!

I started the new year by compiling a Shutterfly book of my 2021 finishes. I managed to complete 43 projects and worked on even more. What started as a way to recognize what I called Covid Quilts, is now becoming a new tradition. I like having my finishes together in an easy to see/read format. If you have never done this, you might want to consider doing so. 

Right now I'm working on the 2021 Bonnie Hunter mystery: Rhododendron Trail.  As of yesterday the top is finished. I'm pulling fabric for the back then I'll start the quilting. Although the past couple of BH quilts I've sent out for quilting, I think I'm back to doing my own.  We'll see.

I'm auditioning for an outer border. I need to make the quilt slightly larger.

I changed my corner from Bonnie's pattern.

The ornament count is up to 34 now.  This year's design was modified from a guild 'make & take'.

My synthetic turf was finally installed.  What a difference it makes in my back yard. This is the nicest this portion of my home has ever looked. I've decided to convert a horse water trough into a planter. I'm wavering whether to to with 12 or 24 inch height. 

I've started my WIP (works in progress) list for this year. Some of them are there for the third time. I will get to them . . . . . some day!   

I was doing a lot of cleaning, sorting, and reducing (books - not weight) at the end of the year. Of course, I found even more UFO's.  One bag was a bargello pull from 25 - 30 years ago. I decided it was never going to get made so those fabrics have been returned to my stash. 

Thanks for checking in.


  1. Love the book idea. I keep a photo album of quilts I make. I have been doing this since the 90's, although I have missed a few I am sure. Your yard looks amazing, and whoo hoo to making another BH quilt!!

    1. Keeping photos of all quilts would have been nice. My printed photos are not organized. What an understatement.


Thanks for sharing.