Monday, March 11, 2019

Two finishes!

I finished two quilts today!!

On Ringo Lake was the 2017 Bonnie Hunter Mystery.  I finished the quilting in January, but finally got the binding and label attached today.

78 x 78 inches

I practiced ruler work on the inside portion.
Feathers in the border.

This next quilt is a donation for a fundraiser in April.  I'm happy to have it completed a month in advance!  A friend suggested that Red, White, and Blue quilts do well at silent auctions.  Hopefully this will help.
49 x 64 inches
I've started adding a narrow border that matches the binding when
I have pieces that go to the edge.  It makes it easier to keep my points!
They always seemed to disappear when I attached the binding.

I quilted lines 1/4 inch from each side of the diagonal seams.
Very light quilting, I wanted it to stay soft.

Thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

  1. I think the triangle quilt will do well in the raffle. Glad you post here because I get to see the pictures bigger and see the detail of your quilting.


Thanks for sharing.