Sunday, February 17, 2019

Delft Blue BOW

I decided to participate in the Delft Blue Block of the Week  program with Piecing the Past Quilts.  I've followed several of their BOW patterns, but this is the first time I decided to actually make the quilt.  (  My sister is celebrating her 70th birthday and I thought this would be a great present.  She loves quilts!

I started off OK, got behind, almost got caught up AND then a friend showed me some of the quilts on social media.  Why didn't I think to change colors?  I do it with Bonnie Hunter's mystery every year.  I kept working, but my spirit wasn't in the blue quilt anymore.

Why torture myself just to say I finished?!  I stopped the blue version at 4 blocks and started another.  I thought I would do red (!) but didn't have the right values in my stash, but I do have pink.  So I'm making  pink tulips.  

The blue blocks are machine appliqued with the edges turned back and glued.  I really didn't want to do that again, so this time I'm fusing the pieces.  I scanned all the pattern pieces into my Silhouette Cameo cutter, reformatted the shapes and cut them out.  (Again a learning process)  I have all six blocks cut and ready. (We get block 7 tomorrow morning)  I'm blanket stitching around all the edges.

There are some difficulties.  Some of the pieces are so small, there is not much fabric left after I cut them out.  I should have used a fabric with a tighter weave so there was less fraying.  Another learning experience.  I may redesign some of the smaller pieces just to make it easier.  I'll decide as I get further into the process.  

Thank you to all the people who shared their blocks on Facebook.  You gave me the inspiration and  motivation to change what I was doing.

Oh yes, I took three of the blue blocks and made a table runner for my sister.

Table Runner.  18 x 49 inches

Extra block.  It didn't seem to go with the other three.  
Maybe a pillow? I actually have 5 circles that need
to be sewn down.  They are glued and ready.

If you know the pattern you'll see this block moves the
wrong direction.  It was the first re-do and I forgot to reverse
the pieces.  Direction doesn't matter here though.

I need to stitch down the leaves and sew on 12 circles.
This quilt is going to be very Springy.

Long story, but I'm happy.
Thanks for checking in.


  1. Wow! I love both versions, but the Pink is exceptional! What a great gift.

  2. I really thought you'd put on a dark background but I do love the pink too.


Thanks for sharing.